from the studio | ronniecay
from the studio | ronniecay Enquiry

exhibition statement

from the studio

– on short notice

– sharing the process

This exhibition provided a wonderful opportunity for me to share parts of my process and an insight into how work is produced in my studio – an opportunity rarely provided by a commercial gallery and I am thankful to Erin and Joe for sharing in this vision.

Lifedrawing is a very physical process for me – it is where I seek connections, test my resilience and acknowledge my own frailties.  My work is about opening conversations and distilling experiences through marks and gestures scrawled quickly across the surface.

I prefer short quick poses as the resultant marks are an attempt to transfer the inherent energy of these sessions onto the page; these drawings are the initial impetus for so much of the final pieces both directly and indirectly.  Viewers will be able to see a range of drawing notations from the initial raw gestures through to multi-layered pieces where the images are fractured, sometimes chaotic, suggesting illusory moments in time.  New conversations are constantly created and tested in the studio between the drawings, sculptures and paintings.  Collage provides a perfect vehicle for disrupting a view – changing a perception melding works together across dimensions.

During the exhibition I am hoping to spend several days in the gallery creating some new works from drawings – viewers are welcome to come and see how works progress.